Make a Shift Studio Shift's magazine

Regenerating non-urban areas: the experience of Studio SHIFT

Mountains are territories rich in history, culture, and untapped potential, often overshadowed by major cities. After years of progressive abandonment, they are now experiencing a phase of renewal, thanks in part to non-urban regeneration initiatives aimed at transforming mountain communities through innovative community-making and co-design processes.

Our Elena Enrica Giunta, together with Laura Galluzzo and Ambra Borin, explored these themes in the paper “Designing transformative processes in mountain realms,” published by Linköping University Electronic Press, which provides a comprehensive overview of the ongoing transformations.

The article details the outcomes of the TUS – Alpine Experiment course at the School of Design and those of HOST2026, part of the joint international program of ASP – Alta Scuola Politecnica (linked to Politecnico di Milano and Torino) XVII cycle, which involved students in co-creation processes with Alpine communities.

The DUT Paper and Online Talk: designing inclusive spaces

On June 17, 2024, during the DUT online talk “Urban lunch talk: repurposing spaces in neighborhoods: bridging local challenges with societal ambitions,Elena Enrica Giunta, along with Annita Douka, Ann Mudsley, and Diego Luna Quintanilla, explored the challenges and opportunities related to redesigning urban and rural spaces.

In her presentation, she discussed regeneration as a methodological process that involves communities of various sizes in rethinking public spaces for the collective good. This process goes beyond the physical transformation of environments and includes a significant social aspect, strengthening the sense of belonging and identity of the involved communities and promoting a more inclusive and participatory environment. A concrete example is the “Stargate in the Alps” project, in which Studio SHIFT participated, involving young people from some rural Alpine communities in enhancing local cultural heritage.

The role of design in mountain communities

Studio SHIFT is at the forefront of seeking innovative solutions to regenerate internal areas, making them more attractive and inclusive. This is why we are proud members of RIFAI – Rete Italiana Facilitatori Aree Interne, a network of young Italians aged 18 to 40 who live in the internal areas of the Peninsula, promoting an innovative way of perceiving and living local realities. The network works to connect communities of young professionals, promoting new territorial policies and demonstrating that internal areas are creative and participatory territories.

Additionally, we are active members of the Lombardy Group, alongside Tracciaminima, Avanzi Discover, and Resinelli Tourism Lab.

The goal is to rethink the narrative of the mountains and their communities, designing new services and public spaces, infrastructure, and digital services to foster the socio-economic and cultural development of mountain areas through innovative and sustainable solutions that challenge and improve existing social configurations.

Progetto Open Fuentes

In this context, Studio SHIFT has realized several projects, including:

  • “Io leggo, tu leggi, noi leggiamo”: an initiative by Comune di Tirano, supported by Fondazione Cariplo and in collaboration with the Biblioteca Civica Arcari, Tiralistori bookstore, and the Cooperativa Forme, aimed at promoting reading and the culture of books within the Tirano communities, involving various age groups and social contexts.
  • Educa in Rete“: a project dedicated to young people aged 11 to 17. Thanks to a synergistic network of “Cantieri dell’Innovazione” distributed throughout the province of Sondrio, pathways in education, care, and entertainment are activated as opportunities for personal growth and the development of transversal skills. Studio SHIFT supported the project from communication to brand development, creating dedicated promotional materials.
  • “Open Fuentes”: a project by the Cooperativa Larius, financed by Fondazione Cariplo through the “Coltivare valore 2018” call, for the revival of the Fuentes Compendium, which includes a reception facility and a vast area of abandoned land. Studio SHIFT was responsible for strategic and service design, concept logo development, communication materials, internal and external signage, website creation, social media presence, merchandising, and event organization.
  • “CAST – the Castle of Mountain Stories”: we guided the project team of the narrative museum of Castello Masegra in a participatory co-design process to define the name and logo of the new permanent museum section dedicated to the “three A’s of the mountain” – Climbing, Mountaineering, and Environment. We designed the website, launched social media, curated communication materials, internal and external signage, the concept for merchandising, and the setup of the first temporary exhibitions.
  • “Human Tracks”: in collaboration with FabLab Sondrio, we created a project aiming to establish new modes of contact between local youth and digital creativity. The project transforms greenhouses into smart spaces, makes concerts accessible to everyone, and promotes volunteering as a key player in local communities. The project was funded by the  Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali and promoted by Regione Lombardia. It was realized in collaboration with Lokazione Aps Morbegno, Anffas Sondrio, and Associazione Il Quadrifoglio, demonstrating how cooperation among different entities can generate significant personal and social growth opportunities.
Progetto CAST

A new paradigm of regeneration

For Studio SHIFT, a more sustainable and inclusive future for non-urban areas involves collaborating with local communities and participatory design. This approach requires active involvement of people and the adoption of innovative envisioning and participatory design methodologies, representing both a challenge and a unique opportunity for local communities.

Progetto CAST - il Castello delle Storie di montagna

For more information and updates on Studio SHIFT’s projects and our regeneration initiatives, follow us on our social media channels (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram) and subscribe to our newsletter.

Make a Shift is Studio Shift's e-magazine, focused on design and social innovation, where you can find articles and case histories of our projects.

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