Let’s work together

For Studio SHIFT, making social innovation means putting skills, ideas and vision at the service of the community. We also love making stakeholders an active part of the transformation we want to achieve: together we can find the most effective and concrete solutions to create value.


Our consultancy services are based on a holistic approach. We develop functional communication strategies based on the study and creation of the project identity we are working on; we identify the target and the most effective positioning within the market reference too.

Once these elements have been defined, we activate most suitable tools for expressing the essence of the project: from the creative idea of goods and services to the brand manual, from infographics to setting up exhibition spaces, from editorial to social media planning, from the regeneration of places to wayfinding systems.

Finally, the monitoring and analysis of the results allow us to measure the effectiveness of our work.

We help the client to identify his vision and mission; we implement co-branding and corporate image development processes; we design social communication and Corporate Social Responsibility campaigns.

We give new value to places and give them back to the community; we deal with tactical urban planning and environmental graphics; we activate community processes to make people part of the change.

We guide our customers in their digital transition process and help them make more sustainable operative choices, finding solutions that minimize their impact on the environment.

We use Design tools and methods to define the most appropriate training courses for the organization's development and for responding to collective needs.

We use Design to develop business and create new services and corporate identities; we also activate participatory dynamics that allow employees to build corporate culture.

We activate co-design, co-production and co-planning practices to involve people in the conception, production and planning of products and services, creating new forms of collaboration and social participation.


We believe that knowledge is the prerequisite for conscious action and, consequently, for the implementation of a good change. For this reason, we offer disciplinary training services such as seminars, masterclasses and conferences on the methodology and tools of Design Thinking and the topics we deal with in consultancy too. We also organize workshops and laboratories with the application of co-design methods and involve stakeholders in the development of systems and services.

Our formulas are flexible and based on the needs of ongoing projects: they can be short or intensive, online or live (even in a residential formula), theory-oriented or more practical.

We apply Design Thinking techniques and tools to overcome obsolete operational processes, design strategic solutions that are more suited to people's needs and create a participatory innovation culture.

Our training courses stimulate creative thinking and provide methodologies capable of producing new knowledge, generating outside the box ideas, identifying growth unexplored opportunities.

With our future studies, also applicable in schools, we imagine new scenarios to facilitate operational, organizational and strategic decisions; we start from the extrapolation and analysis of data (forecast), we design possible future paths (foresight) and we translate into concrete actions what we have planned to make it possible (anticipation).

Finally, long-term scenario planning, backcasting, speculative labs and design fiction allow us to work on the vision of the organization and on the realization of its goals.

We want to bring the world of social enterprise closer to the design and its opportunities. This is why we offer theoretical/practical training related to its various disciplinary areas and the development of skills in the use of specific tools (system map, stakeholder map, persona profiles, empathy map, service blueprint, partner canva…).

We intersect systemic counseling and Design Thinking to organize group activities that redesign the training or professional path of the participants, refocusing future steps more in line with their aspirations.

Project support

We work with social enterprises, cultural institutions, organizations and associations because they have the possibility of bringing a tangible change in people's lives. For this reason, we support them in the realization of their ideas, offering consultancy and seeking resources to implement projects or specific social innovation interventions.

We support our clients in navigating the complex phase of monitoring the project actions they are implementing. Our role is to make qualitative and quantitative elements understandable to both the working group and external stakeholders so that the project's outputs, outcomes, and impacts can become a tangible expression of the actions carried out.
To achieve this, we develop customized tools for output collection, data analysis, and visualization, offering effective instruments and support to communicate the impact generated by the projects.

We support organizations in carrying out fundraising campaigns and drafting projects related to social, cultural and marketing issues for local development.

We use Design to organize thoughts, ideas and concepts, helping our stakeholders to structure learning processes and problem solving, and to plan and manage optimal workflows too.

We deal with the facilitation of groups and co-planning activities, helping the Public Administration and third sector players to implement specific service projects and new forms of collaboration between the public and private areas.

Customers and partners

Our projects are supported by...

Our stakeholders

Fondazione ISMU

Fondazione Cariplo

Fondazione di Comunità Milano

Fondazione Comunitaria della Provincia di Lodi

Fondazione Albosaggia

Fondazione Santa Rita da Cascia Onlus

Consorzio POLI.design

Consorzio Comunità Brianza

CSA Coesi Bergamo

Consorzio Lynx Bergamo

Consorzio Brianteo Villa Greppi

Consorzio Sol.Co Sondrio

Consorzio Solco Cremona

Consorzio Consolida Lecco

Consorzio Kairos Torino

Consorzio Communitas

Università degli Studi di Milano

Politecnico di Milano

Provincia di Sondrio - ente Parco

Comune di Sondrio

Comune di Tirano

Comune di Bergamo

Comune di Treviolo

Comune di Lodi

Comune di Talamona

ERSAF Lombardia




Libera Università di Bolzano-Bozen


Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca

Cooperativa Aurora2000

Cooperativa Microcosmi

Cooperativa Grandangolo

LARIUS s.c.s.

Cooperativa Aeris

Forme Impresa Sociale

Cooperativa Itaca

Cooperativa Ruah

Cooperativa Margherita

Cooperativa Namasté

Cooperativa Pugno Aperto

Cooperativa Aeper

Sociosfera ONLUS

Cooperativa PGS Frassati

Cooperativa Esserci

Cooperativa Alchimia

Cooperativa Nazareth

Cooperativa Lavorare Insieme

Cooperativa Cramars

Cooperativa Raphael

ANFFAS Borgomanero Onlus

AlpLab aps

Associazione Comunità Famiglia Nuova

Associazione Loscarcere

Associazione Agenzia per la Pace

Associazione D-ArtT

CAI Bolzano

WWF Sezione Valtellina

FabLab Sondrio Aps

MinD - Mad in Design

La Capagrossa

SEV - Società Economica Valtellinese